Engens Ironborn Legend

Information about rabbit

Name: Engens Ironborn Legend
Nick name: Lill Arne
Sex: Male
Breeding information:
Color: Viltisabella Wienertecknad
Birthday: 9/15/2017
Age: 7 year, 4 month and 6 days
Mother: Cloud Connected
Father: Engens Chainfire
Borrower: -
Handler: -
Owner: (not registered in Skuttli)
Farm - OTHER: Engens
Farm name code: -
Union: OTHER
Country Sweden
RegNr: S-13028
Straight: Moderate - 2 Advancement points
Crooked: Moderate
High: Not elite
Long: Not elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Straight Moderate - 2 st


Crooked Easy - 3 st


Straight Easy - 3 st


Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

3/31/2019Straight Moderate18 of 24Larina Zetterström 644.59MKHMotionscentrum i Hallstahammar
3/16/2019Crooked Moderate - New10 of 14Larina Zetterström 436.75MKHStall Stenbro i Eskilstuna
2/9/2019Straight Moderate8 of 20Tina Bierfeldt2+353.64VKHSkattkärr i Karlstad
2/2/2019Crooked Moderate 222 of 26Tina Bierfeldt663.78ÖKHMotala
2/2/2019Crooked Moderate 124 of 28Tina Bierfeldt782.22ÖKHMotala
1/20/2019Straight Moderate3 of 19Tina Bierfeldt1+050.61 Prize Point 08KTBlåkulla i Västerhaninge
12/30/2018Straight Moderate21 of 34Tina Bierfeldt342.47ÖLKHVittvångs Ridhus i Örebro
12/8/2018Crooked Moderate 126 of 32Larina Zetterström 550.13MKHLuciacuperna, Stall Stenbro i Eskilstuna
10/28/2018Straight Moderate 111 of 34Larina Zetterström 1+259.51MKHHalloweenslaget, Ridhuset Åby 1 i Hallstahammar
10/28/2018Straight Moderate 220 of 31Larina Zetterström 448.78MKHHalloweenslaget, Ridhuset Åby 1 i Hallstahammar
10/27/2018Crooked Moderate19 of 29Larina Zetterström 439.25MKHHalloweenslaget, Ridhuset Åby 1 i Hallstahammar
10/6/2018Crooked Moderate5 of 7Larina Zetterström 5+4142.70ÖLKHVittvångs Ridhus i Örebro
9/29/2018Crooked Moderate15 of 27Larina Zetterström 370.94MKHSkördecuperna, Vilsta i Eskilstuna
9/8/2018Crooked Easy4 of 33Larina Zetterström 1+159.78 Prize Point Advancement VKHFolkparken vid Parkskolan i Degerfors
8/25/2018Straight Moderate Rule D2 of 6Larina Zetterström 2+161.09 Prize Point ÖLKHExtrainsatt årsmöte !, Almbyplan i Örebro
8/4/2018Crooked Easy 115 of 47Larina Zetterström 131.15ÖLKHLibra Artic's Jubileumscuper, Högboda hos Libra Artic i Högboda
8/4/2018Crooked Easy 214 of 46Larina Zetterström 0+275.47ÖLKHLibra Artic's Jubileumscuper, Högboda hos Libra Artic i Högboda
7/22/2018Straight Easy 110 of 92Larina Zetterström 0+122.69 Prize Point Advancement VÄSKHVästkustcuperna, Magra i Sollebrunn
7/22/2018Straight Easy 29 of 89Larina Zetterström 0+031.49 Prize VÄSKHVästkustcuperna, Magra i Sollebrunn
7/21/2018Crooked Easy3 of 81Larina Zetterström 0+073.41 Prize Point VÄSKHVästkustcuperna, Magra i Sollebrunn
7/15/2018Crooked Easy - New Rule D1 of 19Larina Zetterström 0+044.20 Prize Point ÖLKHAlmbyplan i Örebro
6/30/2018Crooked Easy14 of 38Larina Zetterström 2+179.56VKHVärmlandscuper, Deje
6/17/2018Straight Easy3 of 21Larina Zetterström 0+040.03 Prize Point ÖLKHKM - Rak och Längd KM och Minimästare. OBS !!! EXTRAINSATT ÅRSMÖTE. , Uskavi i Nora i Nora
6/2/2018Straight Easy2 of 40Larina Zetterström 0+037.97 Prize Point ÖLKHBergslagstrofén 2018 och Countess Memorial , Almbyplan i Örebro

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing
10/27/2018MKHRidhuset Åby 1, HallstahammarGast-cupenModerate8 of 9Larina Zetterström 5011,19,20
7/21/2018VÄSKHMagra, SollebrunnLätt bästa cupenEasy1 of 53Larina Zetterström 223,9,10

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight9 of 24 (37.5 %)
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
