Symremyras Tumblebrutus

Information about rabbit

Name: Symremyras Tumblebrutus
Nick name: Edwin
Sex: Male
Breeding information:
Color: svart
Birthday: 6/8/2023
Age: 1 year, 7 month and 15 days
Mother: Rozettas Blitzregn Baby
Father: Symremyras Hang The Moon
Borrower: -
Handler: Åse-Marie Simonsen
Owner: Åse-Marie Simonsen
Farm - NKHLF: Symremyras
Farm name code: -
Union: NKHLF
Country Norway
RegNr: N-2503
Straight: Easy
Crooked: Easy - 1 Point
High: Not elite
Long: Not elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Crooked Easy - 1 st


Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

8/24/2024Crooked Easy1 of 7Åse-Marie Simonsen 2+2100.88 Prize Point GKHKlubbmesterskap 2024, Jensejordet Nord 9, 3739 Skien i Telemark
5/9/2024Straight Easy2 of 3Åse-Marie Simonsen 2+174.63GKHTorsdagskonkurranse, Kilebygdvegen 5, 3739 Skien i Vestfold og Telemark
5/9/2024Crooked EasyUPLÅse-Marie Simonsen NITGKHTorsdagskonkurranse, Kilebygdvegen 5, 3739 Skien i Vestfold og Telemark
4/13/2024Crooked Easy14 of 14Åse-Marie Simonsen 6149.90GKH13-14 April - Vårtegncup 2024, Løbergvegen 243 i Telemark

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight1 of 4 (25 %)
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
