Symremyras Xenon

Information about rabbit

Name: Symremyras Xenon
Nick name: Pumpkin
Sex: Male
Breeding information:
Color: viltgul
Birthday: 8/7/2024
Age: 0 year, 5 month and 16 days
Mother: Rozettas Gt Ch White Wampa
Father: Ingstadbekkens Sukkerbombe
Borrower: -
Handler: Tiril Bruheim
Owner: Tiril Bruheim
Farm - NKHLF: Symremyras
Farm name code: -
Union: NKHLF
Country Norway
RegNr: N-2570
Straight: Easy
Crooked: Easy
High: Not elite
Long: Not elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change
Mari Myksvoll10/25/2024

Results in course

1/18/2025Crooked Easy8 of 22Tiril Bruheim3+1108.35VKHKNyttårshopp, Søndre Brevik, Brevikveien 228, 1555 Son i Vestby
1/18/2025Straight Easy9 of 22Tiril Bruheim2+NIT35.31VKHKNyttårshopp, Søndre Brevik, Brevikveien 228, 1555 Son i Vestby
12/8/2024Straight Easy8 of 16Ida Wiig0+3141.81VKHKAdventscup, Søndre Brevik, Brevikveien 228, 1555 Son i Vestby
12/7/2024Crooked EasyUPLIda WiigNITVKHKAdventscup, Søndre Brevik, Brevikveien 228, 1555 Son i Vestby

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing
12/7/2024VKHKVestby, Søndre Brevik, Brevikveien 228, 1555 SonÅrets Adventslys20 of 21Ida Wiig268,UPL(18)

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight0 of 4
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
