Starlights Melwina Of Vestenga

Information about rabbit

Name: Starlights Melwina Of Vestenga
Nick name: Wina
Sex: Female
Breeding information:
Color: -
Birthday: 6/12/2012
Mother: Vestengas (NO) Moon Sparkle
Father: Silverados Callisto
Borrower: Elin Lundkvist
Handler: -
Owner: (not registered in Skuttli)
Farm - OTHER: Starlights
Farm name code: -
Union: OTHER
Country Sweden
Deceased: 7/30/2018
RegNr: S-8118
Straight: Elite
Crooked: Elite
High: Not elite
Long: Elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

5/23/2015Straight Elite 14 of 7Deleted User6+278.35ULKHÅrsta 4H i Årsta 4H
11/2/2014Straight Elite7 of 18Deleted User2+155.72STKHÅkersberga
8/10/2014Straight Elite Rule E18 of 21Deleted User3+4115.66MKHEskilstuna
7/30/2014Crooked Elite2 of 13Deleted User2+3129.19 Prize STKHGulsippan, kvällstävling

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight1 of 4 (25 %)
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
